Phase 1 Complete, Fall 2023: Pollinator Meadow Restoration at Shady Nook with clear plastic to solarize the current seeds.
Starting in June 2023, the SMC’s Citizen Science program began the transformation of 43,000 sq. ft. of turf south of the South Mountain Reservation’s Shady Nook picnic area into a Pollinator Meadow to provide a habitat for a diversity of pollinators including flowers for bees, host plants for butterfly caterpillars, and overwintering. The first two steps is tilling the soil (by the County Parks Dept.) and laying down clear plastic to solarize the plot starting during the summer of 2023.
The approximately $20,000 project, funded primarily through the Conservancy’s general funds with help from the Millburn Environmental Commission, was envisioned and is being led by Citizen Science program coordinator Lori LaBorde.
The goals of the project are to:
● Transform a 1-acre plot of a traditionally mowed turf field in the SMR into a native pollinator meadow to increase pollinator biodiversity and populations.
● Create and manage this habitat for native NJ bees, butterflies, moths, and birds.
● Work with local experts and strengthen partnerships with local organizations and residents to maximize chances of success.
● Create education and citizen science opportunities in the meadow and adjacent areas once the meadow is established.
● Document the transformation of the meadow over time using an online posting on Chronolog where visitors can upload their photos to upload@chronolog.io with the subject line SMC-101.
(If you want to see the photos people have uploaded, go to https://www.chronolog.io/site/
For more information and to get involved, contact Lori LaBorde at citizenscience@somocon.org.
![Pollinator Meadow with Chronolog Post, 20230609_151052](https://www.somocon.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Pollinator-Meadow-with-Chronolog-Post-20230609_151052-3-620x293.jpg)
Shady Nook Field before tilling and applying plastic