**TRAIL WORK,** Sunday, May 5th, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. We will again be rerouting parts of the Lenape Trail north of Balls Bluff to improve drainage. **Meet at the parking lot on Summit Crescent (off Bear Lane, see map).**
Trail work is physically challenging but very satisfying as we use hand tools to build and repair trails. Participants must be 15+ years. Those younger than 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Participants should wear long pants due to [ticks](https://www.somocon.org/?page_id=193928&fb) and sturdy shoes, and bring gloves (though backup gloves will be available). Tools, water, and a snack will be provided. (Registration is not required though if you sign up on MeetUp, it helps us know how many tools to bring.)